Monday, September 25, 2006

Scoring the Picks

I am embarrassed to report the following:

In our last set of college picks (straight up, mind you), Wiggins went a pathetic 4-6. Shockingly, Mike did worse -- going 3-7.

We did slightly better in the NFL last week. Both of us went 9-7.

This week, Wiggins came strong with his NFL pciks. He has gone 10-3, with the Reggie Bush show still pending. Mike has only managed an 8-5 record. Sad.


Mike said...

Explain fantasy football to me then. I'll go all Mark McGwire on you... I'm not here to talk about the past. Let's talk about right now:

Team Wigan: 1-2
Ron Mexico: 2-1

Mike said...
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Mike said...

When I'm 3-1 and you're 1-3 after this weekend, we won't be tied. Our records will continue to be inverses of each other, but that's it.

I think I might leave a roster spot or two open this week -- just to see if I can win that way.