Whether he's hitting home runs or not, Barry Bonds has turned into a show unto himself. Wherever he goes, he's the big story. And that's always most definitely the case when the Giants are in New York. Last night the Giants started a series against the Mets. And like last year, Bonds wasn't in the starting lineup to start the series. Part of me thinks he does this to enhance the "Bonds Show", as the Mets have special (i.e. higher) ticket prices when the Giants are in town (due to Bonds, of course), despite that it's a mid-week series. It's speculation on my part, but my guess is that this doesn't sit well with Bonds, as he doesn't see a dime of the extra revenue the Mets generate because of his presence.
Although he didn't do anything more than draw a pinch-hit walk in the 10th inning last night, Barry Bonds caused the now-typical Bonds show at Shea Stadium last night. Here's my best attempt to set the scene: Bonds approaches the plate to a chorus of boos. One young boy best represents the whole scene. This boy, about twelve, is sitting in the first row, just above the Mets dugout. His seat places him just over Bonds' shoulder when the camera from the Giants dugout is used.
The boy is holding a small sign that says, simply, "B*NDS". Whenever the boy is shown on screen, he is booing furiously. I am fairly sure that he has no voice today (but all of his friends definitely saw him on television). Best of all, the "B*NDS" sign was small enough that he only needed one hand to hold it up (while it was still big enough to be seen, even with the wide shots).
Since he only needed one hand for the sign, he had one hand free... which he of course used to take pictures of each and every pitch that was delivered to Bonds.
I thought that was just perfect. It sums up much of America's fascination with Bonds. While many may hate the man, most of those same people wouldn't miss him for anything. While they are booing Barry, they're also making sure they're capturing every swing he takes.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Bonds Show
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Still way too early MLB predictions that will look unbelievably embarassing in two weeks, probably.
Here we go - I'll keep it simple. Division and WC winnersfor each league. Maybe I'll get ambitious and add one more funky prediction. We'll see how the spirit takes me.
NL -
EAST - Mets (I have no faith in the Braves keeping it up for the season)
CENTRAL - Brewers (Actually thought this early on, but no way to prove it now - I'm really just a bandwagon-jumper, I guess)
WEST - Padres (ONE - MORE - YEAR!)
W.C. - Diamondbacks (gotta go out on one limb - I say the Unit carries 'em)
AL -
EAST - Sox (duh)
Central - Injuns (finally)
West - A's (because I am blinded by my optimism about Harden. Damnit)
W.C. - Tigers (sorry - I see the Sox contending, but not pullign it out)
Random prediction - okay... not sure if this is so much of a prediction or what, but it is pretty immediate, anyway. I think in his next start, King Felix will either A) Dominate, and then go on to be lights out the rest of the year, or 2) have his arm fall off, and be done for the rest of the year. This will happen IN his next start, there is no in-between. Mark my words.
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
When polar bears attack
Polar bears have always been my favorite animal. I've never really thought about it, but one of the scariest things in the universe would be to have a polar bear attack you. Here's what it would be like...
I wish American television was like this.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
You would think that I would get this stuff posted more quickly considering I'm about the only person in America who is genuinely excited about it. But life gets in the way... anyway:
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Monday, May 7, 2007
I'm a little slow: 744
Sorry. I was out of town. I know the masses were waiting on pins and needles.
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
All Barry, All the Time
Barry Bonds hit homer number 743 last night. I have to get back on top of my Bonds tracking.
Here's an updated version of the graphic I used to use on The Book of Mike.
Now I just have to figure out how to get it updated... this is a static graphic. I used to have a link to a dynamic one.
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